


注册即表示您同意 Bluesea的服务条款(Tos)隐私政策开发者政策


Last Revised on: August 17, 2020.

The following Demand Content Guidelines and Best Practice Policy (referred as “Demand Content Guidelines” or “Policy”) set forth standards that govern Bluesea’s relationship with its Demand Partners.

These Demand Content Guidelines shall apply to all Bluesea Services.Every Demand Partner using the Bluesea Services shall abide by these Demand Content Guidelines and shall refrain from serving any content that could be reasonably deemed violative of these Demand Content Guidelines to or via the Bluesea Services. For clarity, these Demand Content Guidelines provide listing of prohibited advertisement content by Bluesea via its Services and are by no means exhaustive and may not be inclusive of all objectionable or prohibited content.Unless otherwise provided herein, all capitalized terms in these Demand Content Guidelines shall have the same meaning as defined in the Bluesea Master Service Agreement. Bluesea may make changes to these Demand Content Guidelines at any time by posting the updated version on its website and reasonably informing Demand Partner (email sufficient). By continuing to use the Bluesea Services after Bluesea has notified Demand Partner of a new version of, Demand Partner agrees to the updated Demand Content Guidelines.

1) Prohibited Content: 

Demand Partners must not use the Bluesea Services for any content that features or promotes any of the following IAB categories or additional Bluesea restrictions:

· IAB7-28 (Incest/Abuse Support)

· IAB7-42 (Substance Abuse)

· IAB17-18 (Hunting/Shooting)

· IAB24 (Uncategorized)

· IAB25-1 (Unmoderated User Generated Content)

· IAB25-2 (Extreme Graphic/Explicit Violence)

· IAB25-3 (Pornography)

· IAB25-4 (Profane Content)

· IAB25-5 (Hate Content)

· IAB26-1 (Illegal Content)

· IAB26-2 (Warez)

· IAB26-3 (Spyware/Malware)

· IAB26-4 (Copyright Infringement)

· Content or material promoting or containing links that are disparaging to Bluesea

· Content promoting an activity, a product or a service which competes with or is in competition with the activities of Bluesea or its affiliates, or with the products and services offered by Bluesea or its affiliates. 

Please refer to the IAB OpenRTB API Specification 2.5 spec for additional category details.

2) Restricted Content: 

Demand Partners may be permitted to feature or promote in its ads the following restricted IAB content categories, provided that Demand Partner ensure that such content complies with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations of the country and jurisdiction in which the content is made available:

· IAB3-7 (Government, Lotteries)

· IAB7-5 (Alternative Medicine)

· IAB8-5 (Cocktails/Beer including alcoholic beverages of any kind)

· IAB9-7 (Card Games, including: gambling)

· IAB8-18 (Wine)

· IAB9-9 (Cigars, including: cigarettes and tobacco products, whether offered online or in physical sales points)

· IAB11-4 (Politics)

· IAB13-1 (Beginning Investing)

· IAB13-2 (Credit/Debt & Loans)

· IAB13-4 (Financial Planning),

· IAB13-5 (Hedge Fund)

· IAB13-6 (Insurance)

· IAB13-7 (Investing)

· IAB13-8 (Mutual Funds)

· IAB13-9 (Options)

· IAB13-10 (Retirement Planning)

· IAB13-11 (Stocks)

· IAB23 (Religion & Spirituality)

3) Technical Requirements and Best Practice:

The following categories of the IAB OpenRTB API Specification 2.5 shall also be prohibited:

· Prohibited Creative Attributes:

· (3) Expandable (Automatic)

· (8) Pop (e.g., Over, Under, or Upon Exit)

· (9) Provocative or Suggestive Imagery

· (10) Shaky, Flashing, Flickering, Extreme Animation, Smileys

· Ads that include auto-downloads, drive-by downloads without user initiation

· Ads that redirect users without their initiation

· Ads that contain any type of Malware

· For programmatic buying, demand partner must include the parameters listed below with every bid submitted to Bluesea Platforms:

· adomain – the top-level domain of the advertiser’s landing page.

· cid – the advertising demand partner’s campaign ID for the ad served 

· crid – the advertising demand partner’s creative ID for the ad served 

· attr – the attribute/s of the ad served for block list checking

· cat – the category of the ad served for block list checking

Bluesea will send the above limitations to its Demand Partners in a bid requests, in accordance with the OpenRTB 2.5 protocol. Demand Partners must respect and comply with these specifications.

4) Content enforcement policy

Any violation of this Policy may result in the suspension or blocking of advertising demand partner’s Ads on the Bluesea Service or termination of the violating advertising demand partner’s account. For more information or any questions concerning Bluesea’s Ad Policy, please contact your Bluesea Account Manager or policy@blueseasx.com.


Last Revised on: August 17, 2020.

The following Demand Content Guidelines and Best Practice Policy (referred as “Demand Content Guidelines” or “Policy”) set forth standards that govern Bluesea’s relationship with its Demand Partners.

These Demand Content Guidelines shall apply to all Bluesea Services.Every Demand Partner using the Bluesea Services shall abide by these Demand Content Guidelines and shall refrain from serving any content that could be reasonably deemed violative of these Demand Content Guidelines to or via the Bluesea Services. For clarity, these Demand Content Guidelines provide listing of prohibited advertisement content by Bluesea via its Services and are by no means exhaustive and may not be inclusive of all objectionable or prohibited content.Unless otherwise provided herein, all capitalized terms in these Demand Content Guidelines shall have the same meaning as defined in the Bluesea Master Service Agreement. Bluesea may make changes to these Demand Content Guidelines at any time by posting the updated version on its website and reasonably informing Demand Partner (email sufficient). By continuing to use the Bluesea Services after Bluesea has notified Demand Partner of a new version of, Demand Partner agrees to the updated Demand Content Guidelines.

1) Prohibited Content: 

Demand Partners must not use the Bluesea Services for any content that features or promotes any of the following IAB categories or additional Bluesea restrictions:

· IAB7-28 (Incest/Abuse Support)

· IAB7-42 (Substance Abuse)

· IAB17-18 (Hunting/Shooting)

· IAB24 (Uncategorized)

· IAB25-1 (Unmoderated User Generated Content)

· IAB25-2 (Extreme Graphic/Explicit Violence)

· IAB25-3 (Pornography)

· IAB25-4 (Profane Content)

· IAB25-5 (Hate Content)

· IAB26-1 (Illegal Content)

· IAB26-2 (Warez)

· IAB26-3 (Spyware/Malware)

· IAB26-4 (Copyright Infringement)

· Content or material promoting or containing links that are disparaging to Bluesea

· Content promoting an activity, a product or a service which competes with or is in competition with the activities of Bluesea or its affiliates, or with the products and services offered by Bluesea or its affiliates. 

Please refer to the IAB OpenRTB API Specification 2.5 spec for additional category details.

2) Restricted Content: 

Demand Partners may be permitted to feature or promote in its ads the following restricted IAB content categories, provided that Demand Partner ensure that such content complies with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations of the country and jurisdiction in which the content is made available:

· IAB3-7 (Government, Lotteries)

· IAB7-5 (Alternative Medicine)

· IAB8-5 (Cocktails/Beer including alcoholic beverages of any kind)

· IAB9-7 (Card Games, including: gambling)

· IAB8-18 (Wine)

· IAB9-9 (Cigars, including: cigarettes and tobacco products, whether offered online or in physical sales points)

· IAB11-4 (Politics)

· IAB13-1 (Beginning Investing)

· IAB13-2 (Credit/Debt & Loans)

· IAB13-4 (Financial Planning),

· IAB13-5 (Hedge Fund)

· IAB13-6 (Insurance)

· IAB13-7 (Investing)

· IAB13-8 (Mutual Funds)

· IAB13-9 (Options)

· IAB13-10 (Retirement Planning)

· IAB13-11 (Stocks)

· IAB23 (Religion & Spirituality)

3) Technical Requirements and Best Practice:

The following categories of the IAB OpenRTB API Specification 2.5 shall also be prohibited:

· Prohibited Creative Attributes:

· (3) Expandable (Automatic)

· (8) Pop (e.g., Over, Under, or Upon Exit)

· (9) Provocative or Suggestive Imagery

· (10) Shaky, Flashing, Flickering, Extreme Animation, Smileys

· Ads that include auto-downloads, drive-by downloads without user initiation

· Ads that redirect users without their initiation

· Ads that contain any type of Malware

· For programmatic buying, demand partner must include the parameters listed below with every bid submitted to Bluesea Platforms:

· adomain – the top-level domain of the advertiser’s landing page.

· cid – the advertising demand partner’s campaign ID for the ad served 

· crid – the advertising demand partner’s creative ID for the ad served 

· attr – the attribute/s of the ad served for block list checking

· cat – the category of the ad served for block list checking

Bluesea will send the above limitations to its Demand Partners in a bid requests, in accordance with the OpenRTB 2.5 protocol. Demand Partners must respect and comply with these specifications.

4) Content enforcement policy

Any violation of this Policy may result in the suspension or blocking of advertising demand partner’s Ads on the Bluesea Service or termination of the violating advertising demand partner’s account. For more information or any questions concerning Bluesea’s Ad Policy, please contact your Bluesea Account Manager or policy@blueseasx.com.