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En vous inscrivant, vous acceptez les conditions d'utilisation (TOS) d'In Bluesea, la politique de confidentialité et la politique de l'éditeur.


Last Revised on: August 17, 2020.

The following guidelines and policies (“Publisher Policies”) describe the mobile advertising standards applicable to any mobile website publisher, mobile application publisher, or mobile application developer (“Publisher”). All changes to the Guidelines are effective as of the stated “LastRevised” and your continued use of the BLUESEA Platform on or after the Last Revised date will constitute acceptance of, and

agreement to be bound by those changes.

1. General

In the event that you are a publisher as detailed in the IO you must ensure that the advertisement placements are in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and the Guidelines. In the event that you are an aggregator of publisher you agree to contractually oblige your publisher that the ad placements will comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and the Guidelines.

You acknowledge and agree that we reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to remove publisher, Ad Units or the Assets, as applicable, for any reason, at any time, without notice to you.

2. Content

The publisher content shall not include, engage in, promote or constitute any product or service that is or is connected to:

· Graphic or explicit violence (IAB25-2 (Extreme Graphic/Explicit Violence));

· Adult, sexual, or obscene content (IAB25-3 (Pornography));

· Discriminating, offensive, or profane material or hate content (IAB25-4 (Profane

Content), IAB25-5 (Hate Content));

· Weapons, weapon accessories, or ammunition (IAB26-1 (Illegal Content));

· Illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia (IAB26-1 (Illegal Content));

· Tobacco or tobacco accessories (IAB9-9 (Cigars));

· Spyware, malware, viruses, illegal hacking, or other materials that are intended to

damage or render inoperable software or hardware (IAB26-3 (Spyware/Malware));

· P2P file sharing, torrenting, or other content violating or infringing upon any third-party

intellectual property rights (IAB26-2 (Warez), IAB26-4 (Copyright Infringement));

· Counterfeit goods (IAB26-4 (Copyright Infringement));

· Illegal products, activities, or services (IAB26-1 (Illegal Content));

· Unmoderated user-generated content (IAB25-1 (Unmoderated UGC));

· Websites and other content that are under construction (IAB25-6 (Under


· Incentivized clicks, videos, or downloads (IAB25-7 (Incentivized));

o Exception: Publisher may allow rewarded video advertising, provided that the rewards

offered to end-users for viewing the Ads are: (a) designated as a rewarded Ad by Publisher, (b) for the app in which the video Ad is displayed, and (c) virtual (i.e., having no monetary value). Publisher shall assume all responsibility and liability for such rewards.

· Content offering traffic generation or promoting fraudulent traffic (IAB26-1 (Illegal Content));

· Content pertaining to particular religions or spirituality, or advocating the superiority of a specific race/ethnic group, national origin, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, language, status as a veteran, or any other legally protected status (IAB23 (Religion & Spirituality), IAB25-5 (Hate Content));

· Uncategorized content (IAB24 (Uncategorized));

· Alcohol (IAB8-5 (Cocktails/Beer), IAB8-18 (Wine));

· Gambling or online casinos (if there is the ability to cash out in real currency) (IAB9-7

(Card Games));

· Lotteries (IAB3-7 (Government));

· Pharmaceutical or health products and services, including prescription medications

(IAB7-5 (Alternative Medicine));

· Abuse support (IAB7-28 (Incest/Abuse Support));

· Substance abuse (IAB7-42 (Substance Abuse));

· Hunting and shooting (IAB17-18 (Hunting/Shooting));

3. Privacy

You will provide a privacy policy that complies with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and at a minimum provides adequate notice, disclosure, and choices to consumers regarding your use, collection, disclosure, and security of their personal information; If you are a publisher agency you will contractually oblige your publishers to have a privacy policy which complies with all applicable laws. The ads or the ad placements will comply with applicable industry self-regulations (such as the Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”) (available at: To the extent applicable, you hereby agree to provide an optout mechanism for receiving ads or to contractually oblige your publishers as applicable to provide an opt out


4. MobileAffiliateGuidelines

Publisher will not engage in any of the following activities, unless otherwise agreed in advance and in writing: (a) incentivized automated and/or machine generated clicks, click-throughs or other automated interactions or methods otherwise containing or contributing to adware; (b) Rebrokering (c) Icon / Shortcut drops, System or App message notifications, Incentivized Offerwalls; (d) use of Bots, Spyware, Phishing; (e) Modifying browser settings like Bookmarking or default mobile homepage; (f) in direct violation with Apple or Google or Facebook policies; (v) the following traffic sources will not be used by Media Company: Any traffic sources that feature or promote

sexually explicit material, violence or bullying, hate speech, or any other deceptive behavior or illegal activity are also forbidden. In the event that Publisher is an affiliate network or a network of direct publishers, it shall provide BLUESEA with a list of affiliates/publishers. BLUESEA hereby reserves the right to not pay for any traffic which violates any of the Guidelines.